Friday, November 18, 2011

(not so) wise words

I like profanity and foul language as much as the next person, but I also feel there is a time and place for the proper placed expletive.  F-bombing everything is just, well, so déclassé.

Case in point:

I was folding my laundry at my local hangout for crazy people  laundromat, minding my own business. Across from me, a meat-head Jersey dad was also folding laundry. His little girl who looked to be about 2 or 3 years old, sat on the table besides the pile of folded clothes.

Dad (folding a pink dress): "Isn't this the cutest motherfucking thing you've ever seen?"

Now, I'm not expert but I would say this falls on the other side of appropriate language to use in the presence of your child - even if it is accentuating the adorableness of the pink frilly dress.

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