Sunday, January 01, 2006

Dropping the Ball

Watching the ball drop at Times Square on New Year's Eve is the biggest rip-off. It's crowded with tourists and, if you hadn't already suspected, there is really not much to see. Those people you see on TV, right in front of the stage claim their spots bright and early and basically stay all day. No thanks, man. Besides, the best part is seeing the crowd break up. Really.

People are cold, tired, drunk and prolly a bit pissed off at the non event of the whole thing and everyone trudges along to the nearest subway station, or the next, or the next... they are all super crowded and people just continue walking. There begins the fun. Eavesdropping is phenomenal, not to mention the things you will see. I'm still kicking myself for being so absorbed in someone's conversation I didn't notice Scott tugging at my arm to point out the people having sex in a parking lot off 46th street.

Should you be considering plans to come to New York next new year's eve, skip the whole Times Square lameness. Find yourself a bar, hang with friends, and sometime around 1 am, step outside to watch the revelers head home. Great people watching. Guaranteed.
