Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Importance of Forgetting

I'm not sure what this means. I heard it on NPR and it sounded cool. Profound even.

There is so much emphasis on remembering stuff; of being pulled together and on top of things. Remembering the past. Remembering important dates. Remembering to take our the garbage on garbage day (nearly impossible). Remembering to move the car on alternate parking day (sooo important). Remembering what someone said. Or didn't say. Remembering some obscure thing that at one point or another may be important.

Me, I forget pretty much everything. But I can hold a grudge forever - and that is something that is probably worth forgetting.


Saturday, November 01, 2008


OK. What's with the bee costumes this year? I thought for sure there would be a gazillion Sarah Palins (which there were quite a few), and way too many Jokers (not as many as I thought, but too many still), but yet the most common sight in all of Manhattan was that of women in bee costumes.

Am I missing something? Was that Seinfeld cartoon more influential than anyone gave it credit for? Have I inadvertently been stuck under a rock? I don't get it.

By far my favorite costume was the Samantha Ronson/Linsey Lohan duo. I saw at least 5 pairs. I thought it was original - but maybe not so much.

Me, I didn't have a costume. I had a camera, a good friend, and a few beers. And that was just fine.
