Monday, August 25, 2008

Southern comfort

I’m in Atlanta. Last time I was here was a few years ago, when torrential downpours along the east coast dampened a hiking trip and kept pushing us farther and farther south (we ended up in Alabama and it was still raining).

I’m here for a shoot, and I actually had scoped out the hotel to check out the amenities – something I hardly ever do. The pool looked inviting, with cabanas surrounding the deck. Sign me up.

I packed a bathing suit and did most of my work on the plane, so that I would have ample time to bask in the sun.

So here I am again. And again it rains. Atlanta, why do you hate me so?

And my room? It faces the damn pool. And the stupid cabanas. Looks lovely indeed, if not a bit soggy.

So I did the only other sensible thing to do. I ordered room service.


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

ACT 2: Dealing with the situation

To review: there are maggots on the floor and a dead mouse in my laundry bag. Formerly clean and still neatly folded laundry lay on the floor nearby.

(if you need further details scroll down to the previous post)

What is a girl to do?


Scream some more

Call husband and scream

Husband laughs and fails to understand the gravity of the situation

Scream when reminded that there are maggots on the floor

Ask. Beg. Plead with husband to come home and take care of the mouse corpse.

Scream again when reminded that the contaminated beach towel touched my arm just moments before.

Husband unwilling come home to deal with mouse situation, uses some “I’m at work” excuse.

Scream when reminded that will have to deal with dead mouse and very alive maggots on her own.

Scream at cat, who now seems interested in the contents of the laundry bag. Where was he a week ago?

While a valiant effort, screaming failed to solve the problem.

The screaming eventually subsided and the mouse, maggots and linens were escorted to the trash.

A cleaning operation and a search of epic proportions for a living mouse ensued. No further evidence of rodent activity was found, and all of our clothes – and I mean all – were carefully laundered.

The question remains – why was there a dead mouse in my clean laundry bag? We don’t have any mice in the house (believe me, I looked), which means it must have gotten into my bag at the Laundromat. How this is possible I don’t know. It’s one of the great un-answered questions of all time and, most likely, will remain a mystery.

But as of late, I developed a cautious fear of laundry bags.


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Wrong on so many levels, or why it’s much more fun to find rodents on the subway platform

(a long and humiliating post in 2 acts)


This happened a few weeks ago, but it has taken me a bit to actually be able to write about it.


Because it’s gross.

And embarrassing.

Before we get into what happened, there is some background info I need to share. While I’d like to think of myself as a tomboy, I’m very much a girlie-girl in many aspects: my love of indoor plumbing (why pee in the woods when, somewhere, there surely must be a working toilet?), my dislike of bugs such as leeches and cockroaches, and the fact that I do very much like to wear clean clothes.

I’m very particular about my laundry (neurotic?). I have all sorts of special soaps – the kind that is truly biodegradable and won’t give beluga whales a skin rash; soaps to keep colors from fading; products that will prevent colors from running, not to mention Borax, vinegar, baking soda and vodka, a trick learned long ago in the college. Anyway, my clothes are very well laundered, thank you.

So it was very very strange what happened next:

I washed my clothes, plus sheets, bath towels, and a big pile of beach towels the night before leaving on a trip. There was nothing unusual about the process. I wheeled the granny cart with dirty clothes two blocks to the Laundromat, washed and dried everything and wheeled the granny cart full of clean clothes back. I then threw my clean clothes in a suitcase and left for the weekend.

Scott, the cat and the semi empty bag of laundry stayed home.

When I returned, there was a funky smell in the bedroom. It smelled like wet clothing that didn’t dry properly. I figured Scott had a sweaty t-shirt in his hamper and asked him to investigate.

The next day the smell persisted. It now smelled like wet clothing that didn’t dry properly plus a lingering fart. Again, I figured Scott was to blame. I asked him to do his laundry already or at least remove the offending garment from his hamper and quarantine it somewhere.

Some light sniffing took place and the source of the smell remained unidentified.

The day after that, the smell began to turn into a stench. Now it smelled like wet clothing that didn’t dry properly, plus a lingering fart, plus something rotting. Once again, I figured Scott was responsible. Perhaps he forgot to take his gym socks out of his gym bag. Maybe he traded his t-shirt for that of a homeless man. Who knows – but I was certain it was his fault. After all, he is the male in this relationship and we all know that boys are generally responsible for a great array of odors.

Some more serious sniffing was organized, and yet again, the source of the stench remained unaccounted for.

This was getting serious.

So we sniffed again. And again.

It had been a busy week, and I hadn’t yet put the remainder of the clean laundry away, since it was just towels and bed linens. They were neatly folded on the bottom of my huge laundry bag – or as neatly as one can fold fitted sheets, but that’s another story.

Just for kicks and giggles I thought I’d give the bag a sniff, cuz you know, it would be funny to point out to Scott that the freshly laundered laundry was the only thing keeping us from asphyxiating in our now stinky bedroom.

So I did. And I nearly gagged.


No smell of expensive Earth friendly laundry detergent. It smelled like a sewer in there.

What? My? Clean? Linens?


OK. I figured perhaps one of the towels didn’t dry properly and the heat and humidity of the past few days, along with the closed up laundry bag caused a bit of a funk build-up.

No problem. I had the laundry tools to fix this. I started by spritzing some Fabreeze onto the bag’s contents, removing each item one by one and transferring them to a different bag.

I figured, that way, the Fabreeze plus one wash with really hot water should take care of it.

First I pulled out the neatly folded pillowcases, then the sheets. How can something folded pretty smell so bad?

Then came the towels. This is when I noticed some weird lint-y stuff on my favorite beach towel.

I looked closely and the lint sort of moved, like it was self propelled or alive or something.


Then something in the bottom of the now empty laundry bag caught my eye. I wasn’t ready for what I saw:


I nearly fainted.




In my clean clothes.

What the fuck?

I dropped the pile of towels on the floor. Maggots, jostled from the comfort of the beach towel, kinda got loose.

Dead rodent in the bag. Maggots on the floor. Can it possibly get any better?

(to be continued)


Monday, August 18, 2008

The light at the end of the tunnel

It’s Monday again. Not only Monday, but a beautiful sunny Monday. The kind that should be a mandated day off. Instead, it’s a crazy, harried, stupid beginning of a soon to be crazy week. One with deadlines and cranky people (me chiefly among them).

I was running around the city in shoes that were not meant for walking, let alone running. My feet hurt and I had even less-than-usual patience with those people slowly meandering on the sidewalks in an aimless zigzag pattern. Oh hell no. Not today. I wished I had an air-horn – the kind sports fans use to annoy one another – so I could honk people out of my way. Someone actually walked straight into me and sort of bounced off. In hindsight it was kinda funny.

Long story short, I was running on a very tight timeframe to make it to a shoot uptown. I was sweating in places I didn’t know could produce perspiration. Sweat was running down my legs (so gross) because I was wearing a skirt and there were no pant legs to sap up the mess (soooo gross).

I eventually made it to my destination. Miraculously I had 15 minutes to spare. Even more incredible was the fact that the Dessert Truck was parked up front.

Ooooohhhhhh. The Dessert Truck.

I had only heard about this mythical, elusive vehicle packed with gourmet deserts roaming the New York City nights. Now turns out they hold court during the day on Park Ave between 51st and 52nd. Who knew? With a choice of 7 different treats, all 5 bucks each, I saw absolutely no good reason not to have a warm Molten Chocolate Cake for lunch (chased with a Diet Coke, of course).

My ‘lunsert” (lunch/desert?) was everything I thought it would be and more. Warm, creamy, luscious chocolat-y goodness. The Dessert Truck guys take their sweets very seriously and serve some truly amazing stuff.

I think my Monday could be divided into BDF (before Dessert Truck) and ADF (after Desert Truck). You simply owe it to yourself to find the zen of dessert.

You can find out more about them here:

My Monday fix.