Thursday, June 26, 2008

Flash Forward

I had a glimpse into my future last night. I always said that I would be the crazy old lady running around without pants. Well.. last night I got locked out of the house in my PJs.

I went to feed Buddy, our "outside" cat. He is an alley cat who shows up in the morning and in the evening looking for food. Of course, we feed him - as I suspect many people do. So last night, as I do every night, I came downstairs with a cup of food. What was different is that a) I was in my pajamas, b) I was home alone and c) I didn't take my keys with me for the trip to the front porch.

Sure you can see this coming from a mile away, but it actually came as a surprise to me when I turned around and tried to come back inside.






Ringing the neighbors' doorbells did no good. Our upstairs neighbor ignored the doorbell (just like we do when we are not expecting anyone and the FedEx/UPS/DHL van is not parked out front. Our downstairs neighbors were not home, which left me sitting on the front porch.

It didn't take long for someone who lives in the building to show up, but next time, I'm bringing a robe.


Monday, June 02, 2008

SATC = Star Wars for Women

I love Sex and the City as much as the next girl. I've been waiting for the movie with a mixture of curiosity, excitement and, well, dread. Not because I any story twists and turns - no - dread of the women who refer to the show by the acronym SATC, and Sarah Jessica Parker by SJP. These women scare me by taking the whole thing a bit too seriously. Being a girl (single or otherwise) in Manhattan is not at all like the TV show. Trust me.

Since the release of the film, women have been getting together with their girlfriends for a nigh out revolving around the movie (which is great - every excuse for a night out is a good one). With Cosmos and Appletinis, dressed in their best facsimile of Carrie & Co. fashion, they discuss which character best suits their personality: "I'm a Carrie," or "I'm definitely a Charlotte," defining their lives after a archetype: creative, good girl, brainy or slut.

I can't help but think that there isn't much difference between SATC and Star Wars, except perhaps better costumes.
Sure, I still want to see the film, and I want to find out what happens. But I will wait until the dust settles.
