Saturday, June 20, 2009

And the pile grows

This past week was super busy and the last thing on my mind was laundry. The sweaters I washed over the weekend took forever to dry, since it's been raining every day. That means that now I have two sweaters that while technically clean, smell like a wet dog.


Sunday, June 14, 2009

And when the Laundromat burns down – then what?

Our local Laundromat burned down this week – well, it actually drowned, because the apartment upstairs caught fire, so all the water the nice fireman used to douse the flames ended up downstairs. Until the water damage is fixed, we’ll have to find an alternate place to wash our clothes. Because most of our neighbors seem to lack have laundry facilities of their own, the other Laundromats are super crowded with the weekend crowds. So, time to get creative.

Today, the home method:

People have been washing clothes for as long as humanity has given up going naked. The amount of time covered by modern amenities, such as an electric washing machine is, in the grand scheme of things, infinitesimal. So, I decided to go retro with my wash.

I broke out a couple of buckets and a few items that absolutely needed to be washed. In the process, I discovered the following:

• The kitchen sink is too small to wash clothes
• The bathtub is too big
• I secretly wished I had one of those wooden washboards.
• Once you wash your clothes and roll them up on a towel to remove the excess water, what do you do with the we towel?
• Wet clothes don’t dry as well in the summer as they do in the winter

I had some brief thoughts of going to seek out a rock by a river, but then I strongly suspect that the river water around here would probably corrode my clothing.

Up next, doing laundry in the burbs…
